Sexual Enhancement for Women
Bigger and better orgasms.

NO pills. NO needles. NO surgery. NO pain. NO anesthetic. NO downtime.
Why does your "Big O"
have less Ohhhh?
Several factors affect the female experience. Some are behavioral. These might include alcohol consumption, smoking, and nutrition. Some are psychological, for example, anxiety, depression, stress, and low selfesteem. Others are biological, such as hormones, vascular function, and aging. This is where Alma Duo™ can help.
The body’s vascular structures – the vessels that carry blood through the body – deteriorate with age… it’s inevitable. Insufficient blood flow to the vaginal area due to poor circulation can mean it may take longer to reach orgasm, it may be less explosive, or it may not happen at all. If this goes on over time, it can be distressing and may even lead to conflict in your relationship. But, you’re not alone – this is the second most common sexual complaint by women around the world.

Alma Duo™ is an advanced, effective solution that uses the gold standard in shock wave technology – focused low-intensity extracorporeal shock wave therapy (LI-ESWT) – to promote blood flow in the vaginal area, improving vascular function. The treatment includes a series of six 15-minute treatments, carried out by our physician, over the course of three weeks, and is applied to three specific areas – the left labia majora, right labia majora, and above-center.
Do you really need this?
Before treatment begins, your doctor will confirm that blood flow is the root cause and assess its severity. Having established there are no contraindications, treatment can go ahead.
Call for more information 778-940-1806